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Review: 'Milton Star'

-  Genre: 'Alt/Country' -  Release Date: '12th January 2015'

Our Rating:
“I’m a huge admirer of Mark Lanegan so I was eager to take a listen to Milton Star’s debut ‘Salvation’, inspired by the music of the former Screaming Trees frontman tuned solo artist.” So says Milton Star’s PR. But the Fife-based duo consisting of Alan Wyllie and Graeme Currie, who write and record their blend of indie and dark country in a converted church, succeed in channelling Lanegan’s songwriting skills without being mere imitators.

This single sounds like it could have appeared on the soundtrack to ‘True Detective’. A tale of angels and devils and mortal choices, it’s dark, harrowing and makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. The thudding drum that drives ‘Salvation’ takes its cues from The Twilight Sad’s Mark Devine, and against an echo-drenched guitar that’s as indebted to Chris Isaak as Johnny Cash, the vocal is gritty and lived-in, a baritone that sounds like it’s been to hell and back before finding the salvation in question.

Milton Star Online
  author: Christopher Nosnibor

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Milton Star - Salvation