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'Semiconductor Taxidermy For The Masses'   

-  Label: 'Not Applicable'
-  Genre: 'Ambient' -  Release Date: '20th September 2024'

Our Rating:
Free Jazz is a genre I have tried, and for the most part, failed to acquire a taste for. I like the idea of improvised noise making but have a hard time embracing the resultant musical mayhem. As a consequence much of this album leaves me cold.

It was recorded in one day at Livingstone Studios, London. In an anti-AI gesture, the three tracks combine human experimentation with machine data. Improvisations were based on material generated by synthesisers which were configured to ‘listen’ and respond to what the instrumentalists were playing, material to which the musicians then responded to.

I’ve no doubt that the quartet that make up Scarla O’Horror (terrible name!) are virtuoso musicians in their own right but together the racket they make is challenging. The foursome are, for the record, are : James Allsopp (tenor saxophone, bass clarinet), Alex Bonney (trumpet, piccolo trumpet), Tim Giles (drums, electronics) and Isambard Khroustaliov (electronics),

The first two tracks - Raccoon With Wound (2:35) and The Rats Of Gillet Square ( 19:22) - are quite manic so the relatively subdued instrumental responses to the sine waves of the third and final piece : Ermine Chowder (13:58) come as a welcome relief.

Not Applicable label’s Bandcamp page

  author: Martin Raybould

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SCARLA  O’HORROR - Semiconductor Taxidermy For The Masses