- Label: 'Happy Happy Birthday To Me Records'
- Genre: 'Indie'
- Release Date: '4.10.24.'- Catalogue No: 'hhbtm231'
Our Rating:
Split does what it says on the cover one side of vinyl for each band, Glaswegian band Dancer recorded their side at Geen Door studios and the four piece are Gemma Fleet, Chris Taylor, Andrew Doig and Gavin Murdoch. Portland Oregon's Whisper Hiss recorded their side at Torch Toucher Recording and are Meredith Butner, Rhiannon Flowers, Jenny Rhalf and Jon Schlaffman. The album comes in a screen-printed open sleeve that has an almost lenticular effect. The two bands chose one song each from the other band and made the video for the song.
The Dancer side opens with Priority Girl that has a dubby bassline for the almost rapped vocals about what you might want to turn a blind eye too, hoping you're the main girl rather than a side piece, it goes nicely mental before returning to the main tune that has a bit of a Raincoats influence.
Didn't Mean To do all sorts of things, that changed your life unexpectedly while reusing a Joy Division bassline, in a different musical context, the drums start to penetrate, your newly single life becomes more desirable.
Paging Planet Earth has a bit of Talking heads about it, if Tina had been lead singer, a friend has gone too soon, don't be too hard on yourself.
You Saint opens with squiggly guitar accenting why she might think you're a saint, you may not live up to this billing.
Gig Economy is about the precariate and how it feels to never be certain of what comes next work wise, will you work longer for less, just to get some cash. Where does that next gig come from.
The Dancer side closes with Limbo Land that thankfully sounds nothing like Limbomaniacs did. It describes the liminal space they inhabit when they aren't certain if a new relationship is just that or a brief encounter.
The Whisper Hiss side opens with Fawn that has a bit of Blood And Roses about it, but with drums influenced by Dave Barbarossa, they keyboards add a cool twist.
Movable Objects has a cool insistent guitar line and vocals that go A bit Lene Lovich in places. This twists in interesting ways.
Come Feel Me is an invite you may wish to taketh up on. Jangling deep into your psyche. They are happy your punctual, sounding like you will be ghosted if your 5 minutes late, but go on push them up against that wall.
Never Twice was always the rogues code to not falling in love, as they draw you close, giving the impression they might be looking for a strong connection, the organs sustain kicks in, you realise just how fleeting this will be, over before the song finishes.
Go Again immerse yourself in the jangly guitars, realize why that bassline bewitched you to Go Again with the cream of the crop no less.
The Whisper Hiss Side closes with Envision Another where you've been dumped by the side of the road, your trying to see yourself with a better partner than the one you just parted from, anything to get off that highway.
Find out more at https://www.hhbtm.com/product/dancer-whisper-hiss-split/ https://www.facebook.com/dancerareaband/???https://www.facebook.com/whisperhiss