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Review: 'Denude'
'A Murmuration Of Capitalist Bees'   

-  Label: 'Expert Work Records/Dipterid Records'
-  Genre: 'Post-Rock' -  Release Date: '10.1.25.'-  Catalogue No: 'DR010/EWR023'

Our Rating:
A Murmuration Of Capitalist Bees is the debut album from Wisconsin/Illinois based trio of Matthew Parrish, James David and Jesse Schomisch who recorded the album in three days at Howl Street Studios in Milwaukee and engineered by Shane HockStetlar this is recorded old style in single takes, with minimal overdubs and limited tracks.

The A-side opens with Oh Friend Entropy that has a Pixies like alterative stop start feel, for this dark plea for some way through the malaise.

Animal Tracks has a long drum solo intro, to the complex and compelling trails the Animals leave behind, like feet pattering across damp grass, scrabbling for safety from the predators, hoping they won't get to the next life too soon. Pain of modern times getting to them.

12th Battle On The Isonzo has them raising their own freak flag, at one of those endless meetings with shareholders, do they need T.I.N. numbers demanded by banks, or are they just victims of wrong numbers, over the slow math core mutating guitar runs.

Ypre is slowly crawling through the muck and mire, trying to get a clear vision of the destruction, death and dread of wipers, a tragedy to never be forgotten.

The B-side opens with Phalanx a rant for the capitalist drones, in furious guitar outbursts, disgust at the need they have for the bottle as means of escape. Clattering wall of drums try to keep the guitars in order.

A Flying V helps wrap this tune around your brain, bass riff central to the core despair, dark psychotic guitars tripping in your newly developed system, destroyed by pins and needles to your brain, pissing away the years.

Single File Marching Orders stuttering through narrow gaps for each other, trying to avoid being first through, but slow walk down that side, opens crying terror in your head, will you comply and stand in line, or rebel and try to find your own way.

All Fours get you down, no way through, just reclaimed vocals and spiralled drums, infested guitar noodles lying doggo in protest, having been pushed away, searching for consequences to these actions in the ever revolving guitar parts.

Find out more at https://expertworkrecords.limitedrun.com/products/838471-denude-a-murmuration-of-capitalist-bees https://expertworkrecords.bandcamp.com/album/a-murmuration-of-capitalist-bees-ew023-dr-009 https://www.facebook.com/denudeband

  author: simonovitch

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