The press release informs us that all instruments – drums, guitar, baritone, synthesizer and saxophone – were played by Anders himself. For the most part, it sounds like he’s playing them all at once. ‘Dead Clubbing’, a collection of six instrumental tracks that draw on Hana’s experiences in previous bands, which include MoHa! and Ultralyd – is a ramshackle mess of noise, from which occasionally – albeit only very occasionally – moments of greatness emerge when everything comes together.
It appears to begin midway through a track, a wild freeform explosion of overdriven guitar and clattering percussion reminiscent of That Fucking Tank, only without the clearly defined riffage and a much looser, more haphazard style of playing and approach to structure.
‘Viglen’ sounds like a novice band learning to play Kasabian’s ‘Club Foot’ and not doing a very good job of it, and before long everything’s buried in a swirling mass of chaos that morphs into a noisy, psychedelic rock wig-out. Perhaps the album’s highlight, ‘Kunna’ is a heavy, sludgy mess of noise that collapses into formless cacophony, bleeding into the final two tracks, the racketous ‘Kebnekaise’ and ‘Kvænan’.
Still, even if you can’t dig the music, as an object, a limited-run, single-sided record, with a screen-print applied directly to the non-playing side, and packaged in tri-colour screen-printed PVC sleeve is pretty groovy.